Board and Governance Services
Clarity at Board Level
Directors Duties
We help you ensure as a board you're well briefed with clear information to help you meet your director's duties. Our information helps you with your duty of care to the company including understanding your financial position, preventing insolvent trading, ensuring your company can meet its financial obligations when they fall due, and helping you discharge your other duties including acting for a proper purpose, avoiding conflicts of interest, and acting in good faith the best interests of the company.
Board Meetings
For your financial duties we provide a well organised Agenda and Board Information Pack for each of your Board Meetings with a clear executive summary for the main areas of your business. We provide indexed supporting information, helpful insights and analysis and user friendly explanations. Essential information and explanations are provided in good time before, during and after your meeting.
We provide minutes of your Board Meeting for approval within a few days of your meeting, at a time when matters are still fresh in your mind.
Business Plan
We can provide valuable input and a clear and direct plan reflecting your key strategies for your business.
Business Innovation
We can provide expert assistance with the design, selection, testing, setting up, implementation, maintenance, development and improvement of systems and technology innovations.
We can help with analysis and insights to identify profit enhancing initiatives and unique selling points you can develop.
Business Strategy
We help you evolve your business strategy, evaluating the results of your existing strategies, and helping you create new strategies for your success.
We provide sophisticated forecasting to help you plan your cash flow, profitability and financial position, assessing whether you're adequately funded for your current and planned operations, and calculating your margin of safety allowing for different outcomes.
Staff Organisation Chart
We can review your staff chart for efficiencies and information flows. We can help you re-organise your chart where needed.
Governance Framework
We can help you design or update your business governance framework to suit the needs of your business. We can also test your framework and manage and conduct a range of your governance activities for you.
Contract CFO
We handle aspects of your financial and accounting functions, help you improve your strategic thinking and provide analysis and understanding of your financial information. You can outsource part, or all, of your CFO function to us by way of our CFO Services.
CFO and CEO Mentoring and Assistance
We can mentor or assist your CFO and CEO providing fresh ideas, new insights, knowledge sharing and developing skills, ability and performance.
We also work with your CFO and CEO to handle projects such as reviewing and improving the health of your business, business acquisitions, business disposals, year end reporting and audit, systems implementation, change management, restructuring, capital raising and strategic business planning. This provides a valuable and flexible resource to your CFO and CEO during busy periods.
For more information see our CFO and CEO consultancy services.
Interim Management
You can appoint us to manage significant parts of your business during an interim period until new and suitable permanent members of your key management team are found. We've carried out important CFO, CEO and COO roles successfully for our clients to navigate through peaks of activity, or absences of key personnel, delivering results and providing fresh perspectives, impetus and ideas.
Project Management
You can appoint us to manage or assist with individual projects where you're looking for additional expertise, input, resource or capacity.
Change Management
We can help you manage your business through the process of change, which might include systems implementation, changes to the way you operate, the rationalising and streamlining of operations, the integration of a new business, entering new markets or the establishment of overseas operations.
We help you identify opportunities and take action where outsourcing might reduce your costs and increase your effectiveness. You may consider outsourcing significant parts of your Human Resources, Marketing, Public Relations, Investor Relations, Accounting, Finance, bookkeeping, IT services, systems development and testing, website design, web management, digital engagement, social media, etc.
We help identify opportunities and take action where some of your back office support and other business functions and support activities could be carried out more effectively in other locations, including data collection and entry, aspects of your finance functions, customer service, IT functions, systems development, website design, website management and digital engagement through blogs, email campaigns and social media.
Through offshoring it's possible to further leverage the productivity and impact of your team in Australia to improve your performance and boost Australian competitiveness and GDP.
Audit Process
We can manage and handle the bulk of your year end audit process with your external auditors, freeing up valuable management time for key members of your team.
Internal Audit
We conduct procedures to test whether your financial controls and processes are operating as they should, identifying areas to add value, and helping you maintain clean efficient financial reporting throughout the year for a smooth year end process.
Systems Review and Enhancements
You receive a valuable report of recommendations and suggestions from our review and testing of your current systems.
We help you make important business decisions on whether to replace or upgrade parts of your current operating systems based on an informed evaluation. We can also assist with the successful design, testing, implementation, maintenance and ongoing development of your system changes.
ISO Compliance
We help you manage the process of achieving and maintaining ISO compliant systems.
Board Members
We can help you identify and select experienced professional board members for your advisory, non-executive or executive boards and provide valuable insights and contributions for the successful governance of your business.
We can help you ensure your team of Board Members has a good range of complementary skills and contributions for your aspirations.
Governance Excellence
Through strategy, innovation and technology we help you maintain governance excellence with streamlined and efficient systems to communicate your values to your team, provide robust quality control throughout your organisation and providing regular feedback on achieving your values and goals.
For more information on our Board and Governance Services please contact us.